It's Finally Time To Expand!

The events of Good Me's milk tea shop gradually became ridiculous under the influence of various legends.

In the beginning, it was to cross the restrictions of gender and encourage everyone to pursue love bravely. Those who had a crush encouraged each other to go to the event venue to give it a try. It was said that the probability of confessing would increase if they participated in the event.

In a sense, the event at Good Me's milk tea shop was an extraordinary success.

The news began to spread on the Oxford forum and gradually spread to the surrounding schools. The students were basically discussing this matter. The further it spread, the more versions there were.

There was a very strange rumor after that—the probability of confessing with the genuine Good Me milk tea was especially high!

When Luo Feng heard about this legend, he wondered if Lei Jin had mixed in and exaggerated the situation. He was really lucky in terms of publicity after all.