Ai Tingya Expresses That Having Luo Feng Is Enough

Song Anrong was very capable. She came up with a perfect company structure plan the next morning. Luo Feng took a few glances and felt that it was practical. He asked her to start recruiting outsiders.

It was unknown if Luo Feng did it on purpose or if it was really nothing.

Ai Tingya felt that she had indeed relaxed a lot since Song Anrong joined the company.

Even though she would still go to the shop to help occasionally, there was less work that she needed to do in the company. This also gave Ai Tingya more time to spend on her studies.

In the Finance Department classroom.

Ai Tingya listened to the professor's lecture attentively and took notes meticulously.

During the break, she would also think about the company. Coincidentally, the professor had mentioned business management today. Ai Tingya compared the development of Ting Feng's company with knowledge in the books. She absorbed it especially quickly and gained a lot.