Recognition Of Ai Tingya's Learning Results

Luo Feng's breathing was rapid. He carried Ai Tingya and threw her onto the bed.

The soft bed was like a cloud, and Ai Tingya was trapped in it. She turned her head and saw Luo Feng pressing down on her. Her blindfold had disappeared at some point.

Ai Tingya said gloomily, "You promised me not to take off my blindfold."

Luo Feng smiled and said, "It dropped by itself."

"Hmph." Ai Tingya punched Luo Feng's chest lightly. She did not believe his words.

She looked up at Luo Feng's gradually deep gaze and knew that her experiment had been very successful. She was still very attractive to Luo Feng.

After obtaining the answer she wanted, Ai Tingya wrapped her arms around Luo Feng's neck and buried her face in his neck. She hung on to Luo Feng like a little monkey.