All Of This Is Thanks To You, Senior!

Yan Kaize had never doubted Luo Feng's ability. He only felt that he lacked experience and was naive, so he was confident in winning the competition.

When he heard that Luo Feng still had eight milk tea shops waiting to be opened, Yan Kaize felt that he had really become enemies with Luo Feng.

Yan Kaize's idea was to open a few more after the second shop opened normally and occupy the city's milk tea market first.

His expression was complicated as he tried his best to pretend that he did not care. "Eight. Do you have enough funds?"

At the mention of this, Luo Feng's smile deepened. "This is all thanks to you, Senior."

"What?" Yan Kaize didn't understand.

"In the past, I had some money, but I didn't know how to spend it." Luo Feng's gratitude to Yan Kaize was indescribable. "Now, I finally have a reason to spend money because of you, Senior!"