Boss, You're Really Manly!

Luo Feng's words made Ai Tingya fall into deep thought and bring back memories.

If time went back, Ai Tingya would never believe that she could open a milk tea shop chain one day and provide so many people with high-paying jobs.

She would still be the trembling orphan girl who only knew how to gnaw on books.

Unknowingly, she had really followed Luo Feng's footsteps towards the future world he described.

Now that they had already established themselves in this city, their goal had already expanded to the entire country!

"Xie Yan, I'll tell you what I told Tingya. Tingya believes me. What about you? Is everyone here willing to believe me?" Luo Feng ended his speech.

"I believe you!" The hot-blooded bespectacled boy was the first to respond.

"I believe you too!"

The team members raised their hands one by one, firmly believing Luo Feng's words.