Luo's Parents Arrived, First Meeting With The In-laws

At the airport.

Luo Feng took a taxi early and waited at the exit. The clock on the wall ticked by. Luo Feng waited quietly for a while before two familiar figures appeared in the crowd.

Father Luo and Mother Luo had bags of various sizes on them. Each of them carried a bag in each hand. It was as if they wanted to move their home over. From afar, they looked like two Christmas trees.

"Dad, Mom, why did you bring so many things?" Luo Feng hurriedly took his bag and realized that the two of them were dragging a box behind them.

Luo Feng could not imagine how these things had passed the security check. Even smuggling did not have such a big scene.

"What's inside?" Luo Feng could not help but be curious. What could they bring?

Mother Luo was overjoyed to see her son, whom she had not seen for a long time. In particular, Luo Feng seemed to have become much more handsome. He was in high spirits and was very eye-catching just by standing.