I Believe In Xie Yan's Ability! What About You, Uncle?

Father Xie was tall and had a loud voice. The small meeting room even echoed. Xie Yan was so afraid that he didn't dare to speak and curled up like a little chick.

Luo Feng's ears were also buzzing. He roared in a low voice, "Shut up!"

Father Xie's eyes widened hearing this. It had been many years since anyone dared to talk to him like this! Even when he was young and poor, no one dared to have such an attitude. Not to mention now that he was old and rich. No one dared to talk back to him.

He did not expect to be shouted at by a brat.

Father Xie was a little shocked. "You…"

Luo Feng did not give him a chance to speak. "Xie Yan is already an adult. Can't he even decide what he wants to do?"

"He's my son!" Father Xie argued. "Besides, the family is such a big company. If he doesn't inherit it, who will?"

The others looked at Xie Yan with complicated expressions.