The So-Called Revision Is The Job Of All The Students

"I'm willing!"

Ai Tingya shouted loudly and gently pecked Luo Feng's lips. Like a chick avoiding the rain, she burrowed into Luo Feng's embrace and hugged him tightly.

She had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Luo Feng lowered his head and kissed Ai Tingya's hair. The two of them hugged each other for a long time.

"Tingya, don't we still have something to do?" Luo Feng's gaze landed on Ai Tingya's neck. How could he still see the collar of the white cheongsam?

He was still a little excited.

It was really rare to see Ai Tingya take the initiative to offer herself. Last time, he could not succeed because her relative came. This time, he might be able to take it further. There were only the two of them left in the house. Those who should leave had left. The right time, place, and people were all here!

"No!" Ai Tingya refused firmly.
