Don't Listen To The Boss's Grand Plans, Eat And Drink What You Should Eat!

Little Ci found a familiar company and sat at the same table as them.

A big brother who was not interested in the annual party hugged his stomach and lay on the table with a pained expression. The employee beside him saw that he was not in a good state and asked with concern, "Big Brother, what's wrong?"

"I ate too much for lunch…"

"Huh? Did you eat something wrong with your stomach? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"It's not that my stomach feels uncomfortable. It's just that I feel uncomfortable…" Big Brother smiled bitterly.

The employee thought that he had encountered something uncomfortable and was about to ask about it when he heard his big brother say, "If I had known that I would come to such a high-end hotel, I would have eaten less!"

He said it very sincerely.