Nothing Delicious Can Be Compared To Your Boiled Egg

After a long time in the morning, Ai Tingya and Luo Feng came out of the room.

Ai Tingya blushed and hugged herself through her clothes, as if there was some treasure hidden in them. She did not expect Luo Feng to really do as he said and help her change her clothes.

"Why are you shy?" Luo Feng smiled evilly. "It's not like I haven't seen it before."

"You… Hmph!"

Ai Tingya turned her head away and happened to see a small head sticking out from the end of the corridor, as if it was a gopher scouting for information about the enemy. The head popped out and retracted, retracting and reappearing.

"What are you doing?" Ai Tingya walked over and asked.

The child grinned and said shyly, "Sister Xiaoya, the Dean asked me to call you down for breakfast."

"Why are you hiding here?" Ai Tingya asked in confusion.