Something I Regret Very Much. Do You Know What It Is About?

Luo Feng did not notice Ai Tingya at first, but Chairman Xiong's gaze told him that the girl beside him was acting abnormally. Luo Feng turned his head and met Ai Tingya's sincere gaze.

Seeing that she had been exposed, Ai Tingya immediately lowered her head, her ears turning red.

"Ahem… Where was I just…" Chairman Xiong almost forgot his words. "Yes, our company thinks very highly of Gather Sift Takeaway!"

Luo Feng smiled and said, "Thank you for your praise, Chairman Xiong."

If he had a teacup in his hand, Luo Feng would definitely toast Chairman Xiong with tea instead of wine. Unfortunately, the new tea had yet to be served, so Luo Feng could only thank him verbally.

He could not help but feel a little indifferent.

"…" The glib-tongued Chairman Xiong fell silent. Luo Feng was not in high spirits. It was a little awkward no matter what he said next.