Luo Feng Returns, Relaxed!

Are You Hungry's orders were increasing day by day, and Gather Sift Takeaway's orders were decreasing day by day. Some chose to stay, while others chose to leave.

Mao Rong would always sit by the street and observe when he was not doing a delivery.

There were more and more blue uniforms on the streets in the district he was in. There were also many familiar faces. At least a third of the people in Gather Sift Takeaway were gone.

Are You Hungry's poaching made everyone panic. The most common topic Mao Rong had heard recently was about jumping ship.

Almost all the delivery men were thinking about this.

Mao Rong was relatively calm.

Of course, he understood the logic. It was the instinct of all animals to seek benefits and avoid harm. However, he had an awkward thought in his heart. He felt that Gather Sift Takeaway was his benefactor, allowing him, a drifting duckweed, to have a root.