A Seminar! What Did You See?

Professor Vincent turned to the first page.

Today, he was going to catch the shortcomings of the thesis and let his students know what it meant to be the first to succeed!

However, Professor Vincent was stunned by the title.

"The proof of 'Hodge's conjecture'?!" Professor Vincent's voice was out of tune as he said in disbelief, "Luo Feng studied this?"

"Yes!" Christine nodded proudly. After all, she had helped too.

Professor Vincent rubbed his eyes. He could not believe what he was seeing. He really did not know much about this, but he had already said it just now…

A huge subject like mathematics had already been refined into countless subjects. An all-rounded mathematician had not appeared for many years.

Professor Vincent mainly studied algebra, but Hodge's conjecture was more geometric.

To be honest, it was really outside his range of knowledge.

Christine was right! D*mmit!