It's Not Easy To Be A Trainee. Do You Want To Find A Part-time Job?

The Microcosm app quickly became famous in three months and became the netizens' favorite phone software.

Long videos were no longer suitable for fragmentation of the gradually accelerating pace of life. Short and exquisite videos had become a growing pastime.

People recording their lives on their phones could be seen everywhere on the street. It became a new fashion to upload their lives to the Microcosm. This wind undoubtedly blew to Morris Corporation.

"Hmph, Internet celebrity? Not worth mentioning."

The middle-aged man who had a conflict with Yang Tianzhen stood outside the practice room. Through the glass, he looked at the room full of trainees who were spraying youth sweat with the dance teacher.

They were all good seedlings who had survived the company's layers of screening. There was no need to mention their good looks, superior figures, and proper manners.