First Time Fame Sees Effect, Please Autograph For Me!

Yang Tianzhen was very surprised that Luo Feng took the initiative to ask for a meal.

In his heart, a big boss like Luo Feng should be flying around in the sky every day, coming and going all over the world, settling business everywhere while chatting.

However, what Yang Tianzhen had encountered was that Luo Feng was free all day. He would even personally drive over to deliver bags of tasting products, as if he had nothing important to do.

"Boss, you don't have to do such a small matter yourself…" Yang Tianzhen said.

"If you don't know how to make the decision, I'll do it." Luo Feng seemed to have caught something new and looked to be in a good mood.

He had been a little free recently mainly because Yang Tianzhen was too capable and did the work of three to four people alone.