The Official Beginning, Successful Impetus

7:50 PM, the last ten minutes before the live broadcast.

Xiao Chun and Tang Jin sat at the table. The table was filled with snacks to be sold. Luo Feng was explaining to them how to use the live broadcast software.

The two of them listened very seriously, but they could not hide their nervousness. Xiaochun kept biting her lips and eating the lipstick she had just put on.

"Have you memorized the recommendations?" Luo Feng asked.

"Got it!" The two of them nodded vigorously.

"It's eight o'clock. Can we start?" Luo Feng asked again.

"Sure!" Xiao Chun took a deep breath and looked up at Luo Feng. "But Boss, can you stand where we can see you? I'm still a little nervous."

"I'll always be here." Luo Feng walked behind the camera.

The makeup artist touched up their makeup one last time.

Then, amidst her pounding heart, Xiaochun opened the livestream app.