Indecisiveness Is Contagious. Rebellion!

In the Morris Trainee Room.

Monica, the dance teacher, stood on the podium with her hands on her hips. Her sharp eyes swept across the trainees below the stage.

The mirror in the dance room reflected everyone's listless faces from all angles.

Monica could not help but reprimand them. "Wrong again! Wrong again! What's wrong with you guys today?! You're all distracted. Are you not awake?!"

The trainees lowered their heads and looked at their toes without responding.

"Look at your limp limbs. All of you are like octopuses. This is a dance studio, not a seafood market!" Monica had a bad temper to begin with, and she was even angrier from the practice today. "I won't teach you today. The two of you will form a team and revise your basic skills!"

After saying that, he glared at everyone and slammed the door.

"Seriously, I don't know what's wrong with her today. I was so serious. Why didn't she see it?" A girl complained angrily.