There Was Not A Single Speck Of Dirt After Digging Around?!

Benson had his own career goals like Yang Tianzhen. He had long disliked Morris's style of doing things. The reason why he did not leave was because of Luo Feng.

He owed Luo Feng a favor and had been thinking about how to repay it.

Benson decided to keep it as a spy considering the status and methods of the Morris Corporation.

"Boss Luo, bad news. Morris is trying his best to dig up dirt on you. It's better to deal with it as soon as possible!" Benson was very anxious. "They want to use this method to distract the public."

Luo Feng did not mind. "Thank you for telling me. I'll deal with it."

This answer was slightly nonchalant.

Benson only thought that Luo Feng was young and did not know the various methods in the entertainment industry and the possible consequences.

Therefore, he asked, "May I ask how you plan to deal with it? I can help you use my words as a reference."