A White Lie, Grandpa, Don't Despise It

Kou Zhiyuan shook his head happily and listened to what else Luo Feng could do.

He expected that Luo Feng would not have a chance to remedy the situation. This was because when they started bidding and snatching what others loved, that old opera fan would have been offended.

Even though Kou Zhiyuan did not know the exact identity of the actor-fan uncle, he could tell that he was definitely not ordinary looking at his wealth and strength!

Luo Feng had suffered a double loss this time. This one million yuan was not a small sum. If he spent it so casually, his heart would probably ache for a long time.

At the thought that Luo Feng had lost so much money for nothing, Kou Zhiyuan was even happier than if he had earned a million yuan himself. Kou Zhiyuan held his stomach and laughed until he trembled.

"Mr. Kou, are you alright?" Chairman Xiong saw that he had curled up into a ball and was trembling non-stop. He thought that he had a sudden illness.