Fight Until The End, Never Compromise!

Ai Tingya's voice wasn't loud, but her aura was rather impressive. Zachary was middle-aged, but he didn't expect to be yelled at by the little girl one day. For a moment, he forgot to refute.

Ah Shuang hid behind Ai Tingya. Her tears were like broken beads that kept dripping down.

She knew that she did not do anything wrong and did not understand why she should be so timid.

"Don't cry!" Ai Tingya wiped away Ah Shuang's tears. "To tell you the truth, we heard everything you said in the room just now. You didn't do anything wrong, so there's no need to be afraid!"

"Em… emcee Ai…" Ah Shuang was so sad that she couldn't speak. She threw herself into Ai Tingya's arms.

She was extremely glad that she hadn't fallen for Zachary's trick. Fortunately, she had kept her bottom line, and there were still people who were willing to stand on her side.

Ai Tingya shielded her and glared at Zachary. "Director Zachary, do you have an explanation for this?"