A Lifelong Pursuit, About to Be Realized!

After finishing his work, Luo Feng returned to the recording site of "Idol Cultivation".

As soon as he pushed open the office door, Ai Tingya threw herself into his arms. "Why are you only back now? How's the matter going?"

"Turn on your phone and take a look." Luo Feng stroked Ai Tingya's head. "How are the contestants' emotions? Will it affect the fourth episode?"

Ai Tingya looked at her phone and said, "I don't think so. The girls are still very optimistic. They know that the opportunity is hard to come by. They all say that they will put the competition first."

"Very good." Luo Feng smiled. It was not in vain that he had spent so much effort to build such a huge stage.

Ai Tingya turned on her phone, and Zachary's interview live broadcast popped up. She had to watch it even if she didn't want to.

"You've already put it on livestream?" Ai Tingya was extremely surprised. "How many people can see it?"