I Know You. No One Trusts You More Than Me

"Drag her out!" Luo Feng was completely furious. "In the future, you're not allowed to participate in any banquet I organize!"

It seemed to be a vague sentence, but everyone present knew how serious it was.

With Luo Feng's current status in the industry, the banquet he organized invited first- and second-tier big shots. It was a height that some small actors could not come into contact with in their entire lives.

Luo Feng's actions undoubtedly made it impossible for Bernice to make a comeback.

The entertainment industry was a personal circle after all. Soon, the news that Bernice had offended Luo Feng would spread throughout the streets.

No one would take the initiative to invite an ordinary actress with no background or advantage.

Only then did Bernice realize the seriousness of the situation. She struggled twice and her arms were grabbed even tighter by the waiter. She hurriedly shouted, "No, President Luo! I was wrong!"