Let The Gentleman Win The Favor After The Brief Meeting

Song Xue and Cui Enqiao had known each other since they were young and were very close.

The two of them had different educational backgrounds and jobs, but this did not hinder their relationship. In a city like Shanghai that was under great pressure, the two of them rented together and usually took care of each other.

Song Xue often read until late at night. When Cui Enqiao found out at night, she would heat up milk for her. Sometimes, when Cui Enqiao worked overtime, Song Xue would leave some for dinner and put it on the table to wait for Cui Enqiao to come back.

It could be said that in an unfamiliar city, the two of them were each other's only family.

"Last night, she suddenly said that someone asked her out. I thought that Song Xue had suddenly changed and was finally willing to interact with other matters." Cui Enqiao covered her mouth and laughed. "I didn't expect her to be the same as before. Hahaha."