Serious Analysis, Lei Jin's Way Forward!

Lei Jin held the business card in one hand and his phone in the other. He quickly dialed Cui Enqiao's number.

"Hello?" Cui Enqiao's voice came from the receiver.

"I'm Lei Jin." Lei Jin swallowed. In his nervousness, he had completely forgotten the words he had prepared. He looked up at Luo Feng and Ai Tingya for help.

Ai Tingya quickly took out her phone and typed a notification. "Ask about Song Xue's situation."

"Is Song Xue alright?" Lei Jin asked.

"She's still asleep," Cui Enqiao said. "Why are you calling?"

Lei Jin stared at the opposite side and said cautiously, "Go to a secluded place. I have something to tell you."

This little trick was naturally obvious to Cui Enqiao. The other party chuckled and waited for her to speak again. There was an echo from the receiver.

"I'm in the corridor. If you have anything to say, say it," Cui Enqiao said.