Eight-armed demon (1)

After shouting, Zhao Hai waved the staff in his hand, and a fireball with a diameter of more than one meter was thrown at the door of the hotel. The entire hotel seemed to shake. Then, a scream came from outside Zhao Hai's door. It was obvious that the invisible death warrior had been killed by Zhao Hai's fireball.

At this moment, the door of the room next to Zhao Hai was pushed open. Mu TOU and Xu Wanying ran out with weapons and said to Zhao Hai, " "Young master, what's wrong?"

"There are men of sacrifice here to attack me. Kill them!" Zhao Hai shouted.

Zhao Hai's actions were so loud that everyone in the hotel was alarmed. Ruien's guards also ran out with their weapons. They didn't have time to put on their armor.

At this moment, ghillie ran to the door of Ryan's room with a sword in his hand. It seemed that ghillie was not just a servant.