The Classification of Spirits

Qiao Yuan went home and took a nap. When he woke up, it was already noon the next day.

Recalling what had happened last night, Qiao Yuan realized that he knew too little about spirits.

Hence while he was training, Qiao Yuan sent another message to Li Xiaoling.

"Are you there?"


Li Xiaoling spoke,"Yes."

Other things aside, Li Xiaoling's reply speed was quite fast.

It was as if a phone was attached to her body.

"Have you eaten? How have you been?"

Qiao Yuan felt that it would be a little impolite to ask about serious matters right from the start. Everything had to be done in a process and step by step. He couldn't make their relationship too stiff.

"What's the matter?"

A smile appeared on Qiao Yuan's face. Li Xiaoling was really a worm in his stomach. She could even guess that something is up.

Qiao Yuan thought for a moment, organized his words, and sent it over.

"I just want to ask you something about spirits. Yesterday, I met one of your kind. It was very unfriendly to me, and it kept waving a knife in front of me. I was so scared."

"And then?" Li Xiaoling asked, confusion evident on her face.

Qiao Yuan continued. "And then I accidentally killed it."

Li Xiaoling was speechless.

After a long time, she sent a voice message.

Qiao Yuan opened it and heard heavy panting. There were two people running.

"I'm running right now, so it's not convenient for me to type. I can only send voice messages. I don't know much about the birth of spirits. I don't have any memories before I recovered. I only remember the most basic things. Not all spirits are bloodthirsty. You've seen horror movies, right? Do you know how ghosts are formed and how they act in horror movies?"

"Xiaoling, who are you talking to? Hu..."

In the background, Wang Jing's panting could be heard.

The voice message ended there.

Qiao Yuan touched his chin and began to recall the horror movies he had seen in his previous life. Most of the ghosts in those movies were formed after death, and most of them were formed because of resentment. These ghosts had resentment and obsessions in their hearts. They couldn't reincarnate unless they fulfilled their obsessions.

Hence, Qiao Yuan went online to search for the meaning of ghosts...

After reading for three minutes, all kinds of myths and legends gave Qiao Yuan a headache.


Li Xiaoling's voice message came again.

"I was held up by something, so let's continue. As far as I know, we spirits have little to do with the traditional ghosts or the ghosts on TV."

Qiao Yuan was speechless. His body froze for a moment. He looked at all the information he had searched on the computer and closed it silently.

"But there's one thing I'm sure of. Every spirit has their own quirks, hobbies, and so on. That's about it."

"Some spirits like to kill, some like to hear the cries of humans, some like money, some like to hide under the beds... In short, every spirit has a different quirk."

Qiao Yuan listened to Li Xiaoling a few times before he had a better understanding of spirits.

"Are spirits differentiated by their different hobbies?" Qiao Yuan muttered to himself.

A fetish... was a special interest in certain things.

However there were too many of these things, and there was no way to start with. As far as humans were concerned, there were all kinds of people, so their hobbies were also very different.

Some people liked knowledge, some liked black silk, some liked games, some liked white silk, some liked money, some liked feet...

What did the spirit he had killed like?

Good wife?

Or did he have a quirk of seducing single young men?

If Jia Hong had not downloaded the APP, his rationality would have triumphed over his desire, and he might not have been targeted by it.


According to Li Xiaoling, as a spirit, she should have some kind of hobby, right?

What was her hobby?

This was a question worth considering.

"What's your fetish?" Qiao Yuan asked directly.

Very quickly, a voice message was sent from the other side. "I don't have one."

"Xiaoling, who are you talking to?" Wang Jing's voice could be heard from the background.

Qiao Yuan fell silent again.

After thinking for a while, he sent a message.

"Wang Jing is my landlady's niece. Even though we're not meant to be, I still hope that you'll consider it carefully. You were there during the blind date. Do you know the true meaning behind her parents' decision to marry her into their family?"

"You shouldn't... And you can't!"


He didn't receive a reply from Li Xiaoling even after a long time.

The conversation ended here.

After a day of rest, Qiao Yuan's spirit had recovered. He drank water as he painted, and at the same time, checked the latest news.

In the end, he did find a piece of news.

"This morning, there was a gas leak in a residential building, causing two deaths on the spot. The local fire department is here to remind everyone to be wary of fire and theft..."

The news was quite fast.

Other than that, there were some other things that happened.

"This world is becoming more and more unstable."

"I'm still too weak."

Qiao Yuan sighed and took a few more sips of hot water.

[Cultivation +4]

Feeling the changes in his body, he had a feeling that it wouldn't be long before his Yijin Jing could be upgraded to the second level!

On the other side of the city in a secret office building, a large screen was playing a few photos of everything in Room 401.

Not only that, but there were also surveillance cameras at several important intersections nearby. However, because this was a very old community, there were many blind spots in the surveillance cameras.

"Hua Wu, tell everyone about this incident."

An old man sitting at the main table spoke.

The old man was cold and serious. His body was stiff, his eyes were as deep as the ocean, and his lips were tightly pursed into a line. Even though he was wearing a thin long robe, he exuded a kind of majesty and power.

The old man's name was Zhou Qiang, the director of the Security Bureau!

And this was the base of the Yueyang City Security Bureau!

The complete name of the Security Bureau was the Supernatural Incident Security Investigation Bureau. It was adapted from the mysterious incident Security Bureau a year ago and was responsible for collecting and dealing with clues about spirits.

At the end of the main table stood a few young people with different expressions.

There were only seven people in the meeting room, including the old man.

The reason why there were so few of them was because the majority of them were patrolling in their respective areas.

Hua Wu was a middle-aged man of about thirty years of age. He was also one of the leaders of the awakened team.

There were three team leaders in the entire Yueyang City, and each team had several awakened members.

This incident happened to occur in his assigned area.

"Based on the information we currently collected, I have already tentatively classified this incident as a D-level incident."

The so-called D-level incident referred to an incident that affected less than ten people. The impact of such an incident was slightly smaller.

"Last night, we received a notice that someone reported that there was a strange smell coming from room 401, unit 3 of this community. The local police station organized a team to go there and transfer the incident to us as soon as they saw the scene."

"At one o'clock in the morning, I led four team members to investigate. The initial judgment was that the main culprit of this incident is dead. Two dead bodies were found at the scene."

Hua Wu pressed the remote control in his hand with a serious expression, and a few more photos appeared on the screen.

"From what we can see, there was a third party when the spirit was killed. We have a good reason to suspect that he was the one who killed the spirit!"

"We have checked all the registered awakened ones and none of them fit the criteria. He should have awakened recently."

Zhou Qiang picked up the thermos cup on the table and took a sip of tea. His brows had not relaxed from the beginning to the end.


"Yes!" Hua Wu nodded. "So, we can guess that this awakened one found out about the spirit incident and decided to solve it. To avoid trouble, he borrowed someone else's phone to call the police."

The expressions of the other members didn't change much. This kind of thing was very normal to them, and several of them even did it. However, in the end, they chose to join the official organization.

"What did the Communications Department say?" Zhou Qiang asked.

"The victim's phone is damaged. It will take some time to recover."

Zhou Qiang's brows furrowed even more when he heard this.

"Chief, all the work is focused on that matter, so..." Hua Wu quickly explained.

Once Hua Wu said this, everyone fell silent.

After a while, Zhou Qiang rubbed his temples. He looked at the information on the screen. "What level is the target spirit?" He asked.

"Rank two!" Hua Wu looked at the information in his hand and said seriously.

As soon as he said that, everyone looked at Hua Wu.

A few people even asked.

"Captain, that's impossible. A newly awakened spirit can't even beat a level one spirit, let alone a level two."

Everyone was suspicious of the authenticity of the information.

They were all Awakeners who had fought spirits before, and they knew how dangerous it was.

If a spirit made a cut, even a small one, it would hurt for a long time. Not to mention the problem of Yin Qi infection.

No awakened one could guarantee that they would not be injured in a battle of the same level!

"Let's put this aside for now. Regarding the awakened, arrange for a few people to investigate." Zhou Qiang stopped everyone's discussion.

The rest of the people nodded. They were still suspicious of the truth of the incident. After all, it had been a few hours since the incident, and it was inevitable that the truth would be distorted.

But even so, for a newly awakened to be able to kill a spirit on his own, it was a terrifying talent.

Next up was the internal meeting.

An hour later…

After everyone had left the office, Hua Wu looked at the document in his hand. There was one sentence that he didn't have time to say.

"There is no blood from the awakened at the scene. This proves that the awakened was not injured."

He tried to restore the evidence at the scene. Fifty-six battle scenes flashed through his mind, and all of them gave the same answer. "If someone really did fight with the spirit, then the spirit must have been beaten the entire time! The deep nail marks on the window confirmed this."

If all of Hua Wu's deductions were correct, then... That awakened one was truly terrifying.