Flame _1

With the addition of her Army, the White Dragon Maiden was free from her predicament. She waved her sharp claws around and spewed out Dragon Breath, which swept across the surroundings with great destructive power.

As the leader of the Army, roxia snorted. He abandoned his Mount and jumped up, running towards the White Dragon Maiden.

In the middle of the attack, an Ogre grinned and swung a large hammer at roxia. Roxia raised the magic sword in his hand and slashed the hammer and the ogre's body in half with lightning speed. Bright blood bloomed on his armor.

He quickly closed in on the White Dragon Maiden and slashed down at her head.

The White Dragon Maiden sensed danger and was shocked. She swiped her claw at roxia, but he blocked it with his magic sword. Her dragon scales shattered and blood flowed out.

The White Dragon Maiden, who was in pain, had a fierce expression on her face. She spat a frosty Dragon Breath at roxia at close range.