The crazy Lich (1)


Halius was slightly stunned.

The silver Dragon's reaction speed was much faster than the other chromatic dragons.

Even so, Halius didn't care too much.

Although an adult true dragon was powerful, it also depended on who it was compared to. Halius had already been a legendary spellcaster more than a hundred years ago.

Even ancient dragons were not worthy of his attention.

Under Halius's control, a total of more than ten numbing tentacles suddenly burst out.

The thick and long numbing tentacles were like giant whips or wild pythons, wrapping around garen's body from all directions.

With the spell-like ability of a legendary Lich, once the touch of paralysis hit him, he would be instantly paralyzed, and the probability of him being unable to move was very high.

The Platinum dragon's eyes reflected the numbing touch that was getting closer and closer. Garen's gaze was calm, and a touch of time power suddenly flowed through his dragon's eyes.