Future self (1)

The strange movement in the river of time did not cause too many creatures to react.

Not all living beings had the ability to sense the existence of the river of time.

In the dead man's forbidden land, all the living high-level spellcasters, true dragons, and countless types of undead creatures were completely ignorant of what was happening.

Other than garen, there was also Harris, whose gaze had changed from excitement to vigilance and seriousness.

He smelled a dangerous aura. The powerful mind power of a dual-school legendary spell caster, coupled with his understanding of the world's fundamental rules, allowed him to see the change in time.

The constant flow of time seemed to have turned into a spinning vortex. The past, present, and future intertwined.

Harris no longer hesitated. The moment he noticed the change in time, his lips opened and closed, and he chanted again.