Chapter 157-the winter Wolves "attack (1)

In the icy Plains of the extreme north, the polar night had already dispersed, and the polar day had once again arrived.

The light and heat from the sun above the ice field were not as bright and warm as the South. The faint sunlight shone down, gilding the silver-covered world.

The cold wind was biting and whistling wildly thousands of meters in the air. Three gigantic true dragons spread their dragon wings and soared. There was also a giant stone tomb Wyvern that was more than thirty meters long, and two high-level spell casters wrapped in the light of magic.

At the forefront was a Silver Dragon with the most outstanding appearance. The luster of its scales glistened under the sunlight, as if they were made of precious metal.

The two red Dragons flew side by side. Some scattered snow fell on their bodies, but before it could touch their scales, it was evaporated into steam by the high temperature.

It made them look like they were flying in the White smoke.