The Hunter and the prey_2

The place where the tremors were the most violent was the frost forest serpent Dragon's Nest. It liked to build its nest underground.

But now ... In addition to the frost forest Naga, there was also a stone tomb Naga.

The current commotion was caused by the two of them.

"Is this a fight or a fight?"

Garen shook his head gently.

He had wanted to call the serpent dragon back, but seeing that they were now fully immersed in the instinct of reproducing the next generation, he extinguished this idea.

The serpent Dragon's participation in the battle would not make much of a difference.

&Nbsp; with him, who had already entered the legendary realm, the frost Giants could not do anything.

After understanding the power and abilities that his growth had brought him, garen was confident that he could surpass most legendary creatures.