The fortress fortresses-2

This was because the peak of the snow Mountain was already occupied by garen's body, and it could not accommodate another true dragon.

Nicole Nina's body glowed faintly, and in an instant, she turned into a petite figure that was less than 1.5 meters tall, not even as long as garen's dragon claws.

Nicole Nina's human form had short white hair that fell to her ears. Her skirt that was glowing with light revealed a section of her round calves. At this moment, she was bouncing under garen's body. Her mouth had grown so big that it could almost fit an egg, and she looked up at garen's giant dragon body with an expression of amazement.

"Can I touch it? This is my first time seeing a giant dragon."

She pointed at garen's sharp claws that were covered with fine dragon scales and asked.

Garen thought for a moment, then nodded slightly and asked, " "How did you end up here?"