The battle of the elements

In the labyrinth of the stone city, flames and rocks clashed with each other, fighting endlessly.

The silver Dragon in the sky lowered its eyes and quietly looked down at the White heat battle below. There was no obvious emotion on its face.

The giant fire spirit floating beside him also lowered its eyes and observed the situation of the battlefield below.


At a certain part of the battlefield, the ground suddenly rose up and then collapsed. The earth and stones were blown back and exploded into a rain of stones.

A giant rock python nearly 40 meters long crawled out of the hole. With a slight curl of its unimaginably heavy body, it crushed all the fire elementals around it into pieces.

Endless amounts of soil and rocks were being absorbed.

The giant rock Python's already huge body was covered in layers of soil and rocks, becoming a terrifying weapon on the battlefield. Wherever it passed, the fire elementals found it difficult to resist.