Multiverse (3)

After garen put their hope on the table, many alpha clenched their fists subconsciously. The magic in their bodies churned, and their faces more or less showed a complicated expression of hesitation and yearning.

"But for now, you have an urgent task to complete."

Garen said.

"Please speak."

An ya said in a low voice.

you need to have more children and expand the population of the alpha Tribe. Each alpha family must have at least three children.

Garen said seriously.

After hearing garen's words, an ya was stunned. She opened her mouth but could not speak.

the alpha Tribe only has a thousand people. What can they do with this small number? "

"Which country doesn't have a population of millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions?"

if you want to restore the glory of your Eladia Empire, you must start with population!

An ya hesitated for a moment before saying, " "This ..." Isn't this ..."