Meeting the ancient silver Dragon

"No, it can't be a divine artifact."

it should be a divine weapon with a certain amount of divinity.

Just like the gods, their weapons would not appear so easily in the main material plane. The main material plane rejected the gods, including their weapons.

Garen squinted his eyes and looked at the old man carefully.

If he was not mistaken, this was the current Pope of the Church of Light.

It was yellian, the Pope of light who was a legendary priest, a legendary evocation spellcaster, and had the ability of two legends.

Halius had been dormant for a long time, and he had only dared to start the blood sacrifice ceremony when the light Pope had left. This was enough to show the strength of the light Pope.

Hello, The Guardian true dragon of the kingdom of Mosha. You defeated the Dragon of eternity of Halis.

"My name is jellian, the current Holy Emperor."

"I wonder what's the purpose of the eternal Dragon's arrival?"