The spirit of the earth appears

After going out for a while and returning to the Dragon's Nest, garen closed his eyes.

He began to sense the location of the time mark.

Although there were many imprints, with his image-level memory, garen was clear which imprint corresponded to which magic tool or which creature.

In garen's perception.

Some of the magic tools were in remote locations and were difficult to find. They were left quietly and motionless.

There were also some who had been picked up by different creatures early on and brought to various parts of the world with the movement of these creatures, creating different stories.

Two time imprints that were closely placed together caught garen's attention. After he noticed them, he opened his eyes with a strange expression.

"This guy's luck is pretty good,"

Somewhere in the ice plains of the extreme north, in a Dragon's Lair that was covered in a layer of ice.