Moonlight Paladin_4

"The physical damage of time division is comparable to the collapse of the plane."

"It's a pity that it can't be used on the target."

Garen squinted his eyes and examined the results of his ability.

On the other side, his beloved horse was dismembered in an instant, and moonlight Knight's face showed an irrepressible rage.

you will pay for your actions with blood!

Next, the moonlight Knight cut off his left arm with his sword, and quickly chanted an obscure spell in Elvish that garen could not understand.

His left arm suddenly dried up, as if it had experienced thousands of years in an instant. It lost all its vitality and was blown into ashes by the cold wind in the sky.

"The high Elves 'life magic."

Garen stared at his opponent.

By consuming vitality, the high Elves could cast spells that were much stronger than ordinary spells. They were called life arcane spells or life spells, and the maze domain was also a type of Life spell.