The time Dragon countercurrent after three years

Stimulated by the scorching temperature and the strong smell of sulfur, elanter slowly opened his eyes.

In the blurry, dizzying world, the first thing that entered the eyes of the vice-captain of the twenty-first magic fleet was a tall silver wall.

"Where is this place?"

"Why am I here?"

Having just woken up from the dizziness, Elante's mind was still a little groggy.

He only felt as if his entire body had been crushed by a giant object, and there was no inch of his body that was not in constant pain. His throat was dry as if a handful of hot iron sand had been stuffed into it, and it was so painful that every breath he took was extremely painful.


A cool stream of water poured down on erante's head, making him shiver all over without being able to guard against it. His body became wet, and his ragged clothes stuck tightly to his body that was full of wounds.