The fully formed gate of time and space

In the air that was almost frozen.

A few minutes later, one of the captains frowned and slowly spoke.

I think everyone already knows about the 21st magic fleet.

Captain Grantham has led the 21st magic fleet to explore a demiplane, and has yet to send back any news to the Empire. It's already past the time limit for our safety.

"I'm sure everyone knows what this means,"

This safety period referred to the magic fleets that were heading to other planes worlds. They had to send a message to the Empire within a certain time period.

Now that the safety period had passed, there was no news of Grantham's fleet.

The dynasty's fleet contacted Grantham through a large-scale machine that could cross dimensions, but they did not receive any response.

It was not like the dynasty's fleet had not encountered such a situation before.