Let us celebrate

Back to the main topic, a few powerful legendary giant Dragons met the gazes of all the giant Dragons present, and stood on both sides of garen's body.

"Fellow clansmen from different worlds."

"Welcome to The Eternal Palace to witness the coronation of the Lord of the Royal Court."

The voice fell.

The legendary dragons who had chosen to join the Dragon Court roared.

A deep Dragon's Roar resounded through the entire half-plane like a Bell, as if it was celebrating the Birth of the Dragon court's Lord.

The five dragons, which were at least of ancient rank, were the first to move.

Chi Chi Chi ... Scales flew out from their bodies.

Golden scales, silver scales, red scales, blue scales, purple scales ... The Dragon scales of different colors gathered together, shooting out rays of light, and then interweaved into a frame like a piece of paper.

"This is the contract of the Dragon Court."