
"Dragon Lord."

"I'm sorry, the other party has a very powerful hiding ability."

we used the dead Dragon as a clue. Whether it's tracking spells, divination spells, or other methods, we didn't find any traces of the other party.

After listening to the reports of these giant Dragons, garen's eyes narrowed slightly as he fell into deep thought.

It was an unknown force that even legendary wyrms couldn't detect.

This definitely isn't an ordinary creature ... Garen thought to himself.

As the dead wyrms were not even legendary yet, and the most powerful one was only at the level of an old dragon, garen thought that the creature level of the attacker might be enough to deal with legendary creatures, and there was a high probability that it was an ordinary legendary creature. Thus, to be safe, he chose to attack non-legendary wyrms.

However, from the current situation.

The situation seemed to have become more complicated.

"I know."