The Battle of the Gods (8000 word chapter) _4

If one were to be bound by its tentacles, it would be no different from being dismembered.

In addition, it also had the power to enslave souls, which was also exerted through tentacles.

Not only could the suction cups on these tentacles cause physical damage, but they could also absorb the soul of the target, weaken the soul power of the target, and turn them into their own puppets. With nagacapolos 'ability, the maximum number of such demigod puppets was three. However, it was much more difficult to enslave an intelligent demigod than to enslave a wild beast.

The soul power of a demigod of wisdom was far stronger than that of a wild beast.

Thunder claw!

Volibell dodged the attack of the tentacles. The bear claws surrounded by lightning tore at nagacapolos 'tentacles again and again, leaving countless charred wounds. These injuries left by volibell were not as easy to heal as the summoned lightning.