Summoning the prayer of the time Dragon _1

after you seized the authority of death, you now seem to be a weak divine power.

Garen looked at Karsus's incarnation, his dragon claws rubbing the scales on his chin, and said thoughtfully.

When Karsus activated the God Ascension spell, he was still a distance away from becoming a demigod. With the help of a great divine power, he could already become a demigod.

In that case, after garen returned to the main timeline, it was indeed feasible to use the God Ascension technique on the mid-level divine powers, and with the help of the Dragon God Himself.

Although the Dragon God was not like the goddess of magic, who could provide all kinds of buffs for the God Ascension spell, garen's goal was not to become a great divine power. The God of fate and history in the elf God system was not a particularly powerful existence among the intermediate divine powers.

"Your eyes are like a torch."

Karsus nodded and said.