Astral battlefields _4

"I see," garen nodded.

"Having an astral Apostle as an ally is a good thing."

Creatures with names like apostles and oracles would not be weak.

After a pause, garen's pupils narrowed, and he said, " the dragons of the Prime Material Plane have gained the upper hand. They no longer need me. I've come to the astral plane to help the astral Dragons.

The battlefield in the outer plane was not as smooth as the one in the main material world.

After all, there was no one in the outer Planes who could defeat all the high-level combatants of the enemy.

For example, in the astral world, the Dragon race had an advantage, but it wasn't big.

However, due to the huge advantage of the main material world and the large number of deaths of elven believers, the strength of the elven demigods had been slowly weakening. The advantage of the astral Dragons was also expanding, but at a slower rate.

"Mm ... Please forgive our presumptuousness."