The battle royale of eight gods

The elven main God's attitude towards the demigods of his own divine system was still relatively loving and gentle.

He wasn't called the benevolent father of all elves for nothing.

father, you know everything. Thank you for your mercy.

Scott was touched, like a spring breeze.

In the elf God system, many gods called the main God of elves God Father God, but this was just an honorific. There were only a few who really had the bloodline of the main God, such as Princess rilun.

"God Father, Princess RI Lun is still in the hands of the Dragon race."

if we can't save Princess rilun as soon as possible, I'm afraid that the Dragon race will really hand her over to the demons.

Scott looked up at the master God of elves and whispered.

"I've spoiled Solina too much."

"It was my negligence that she was captured,"

The master God of elves said softly.

however, Solina is my child, and so are the other elves who have fought for the elven race.