The Furious gods (1)

After hearing about the White Dragon Maiden's situation ...

In his heart, garen called out to the clone of God garen. Almost at the same time he thought of God garen, the extraordinary divine power belonging to God garen descended on the Dragon Court dimension and responded to garen's call.

After this extraordinary divine power appeared, it wrapped around the White Dragon Maiden's body and entered her.

At the same time.

The White Dragon Maiden trembled, and a look of shock appeared on her face.

As time passed, a faint divine glow appeared on the White Dragon lady's mirror-like scales, then disappeared into her body.

The White Dragon Maiden had received the time Dragon God's divine protection.

In other words, the White Dragon had become a God's chosen one.

This way, if other gods wanted to secretly bewitch the White Dragon Lady and make her their own Apostle, God garen and garen himself would know at the first moment.