A beautiful young lady

The White Dragon Yale, no, the current God garen's embodiment had a calm expression as he stood up from the deep pit in the snow.

The dragon's claw gently waved.

Without a sound, the divine power of time swept over. The frost Giants and winter Wolves, who still didn't know what had happened, still regarded the White Dragon as prey, caused their bodies to decay in an instant, and they were blown into dust by the omnipresent Blizzard.

Garen had almost all of the time-type abilities that he had.

It was just that it was driven by extraordinary divine power, and because it was not the power of time, its effect was slightly weaker than garen's when they were at the same level. However, it was still easy to deal with a few adult Giants.

Similarly, garen's time-type abilities were also passed on to garen's main body.

Looking around, godgaren looked at his surroundings.