Undying God heart, God Country location

&Nbsp; crack crack.

The sound of soil and stone breaking rang out.

Karsus's heart stopped beating. The temple that was built around it, along with the mountain below, began to shatter at the same time. Cracks spread all over the mountain, and it trembled.

Garen kept the time Amber and left the temple with Yuna.

Rumble ... Rumble ... Soon, the mountain peak that was thousands of meters tall began to collapse. Endless dust and gravel flew in all directions, drowning the surrounding lush green forest.

The two young dragons returned to the size of legendary dragons.

Looking at the scene of the mountain peak collapsing, garen decided to leave this place with Yuna.

However, a furious voice suddenly emerged from the ground with an evil aura.

The black mist rushed into the sky like a tide and condensed into a thin figure in a black robe.

where did you two dragons come from? how dare you ruin my good thing!