The abyssal Dragon Demon that was kidnapped

Several large-scale guilds had already been formed among the players of the strange machinist.

The mechanical team that was harassing the demon fortress belonged to the [ hegemony ] Guild.

This player organization was named after the tyrannical true dragon, and its size was one of the largest among all guilds. The Guild leader was the player who killed the most demons when attacking the demon fortress in the hell of Avernus, so he received the mission reward, the control Authority of a legendary mechanical object.

the reward for capturing the abyssal Dragon Demon alive is that any building unit can be designated to level up two times.

if we can complete this mission and level up the soldier nest, our Guild will be ahead in every aspect and become the number one Guild in the machinery field.

The Guild leader of tyrannical sky was communicating with his members in the internal channel.

"We can't fail this mission."