The dragon clan's Supreme God: I can still be saved

Compared to the Dragon God Landis, who had given fair judgement before the Dragon was born,

The judgment Dragon God would only make a judgment after the death of a Dragon.

The judgement Dragon God and the judgement Dragon God both had special positions in the Dragon God system.

After the Dragon God of judgement finished its sentence, it fell silent again and did not respond to the metal Dragon God's words. While the Dragon gods were not paying attention, it quietly retreated into the shadows of the Bahamut Palace and quietly observed the Dragon gods with a pair of cold eyes.

Garen felt a gaze from behind him.

He knew that the judgement Dragon God was looking at him.

Turning around, godly garen looked at the shadows within the Bahamut Palace, but the judgement Dragon God had already teleported away and appeared behind godly garen.

Shengaren was speechless.

He quickly turned his head twice.